Friday, January 12, 2024

"Ekphrastic Challenge" and the Moon Shot

Dave and I went to Littleton in January 2016 to hear Chris Christie in person—Dave's way of listening and inquiring.

The literary journal Rattle offers a monthly "ekphrastic" challenge, where poets write from what the presented artwork suggests. The challenge was on my to-do list today. I shocked myself by writing a political campaign poem, nothing I'd ever considered doing.

But the roots of this action were clear: Earlier today, to provide support for a very ill teen, I looked up some of the memorable quotes from John F. Kennedy, whose years as US President marked my life. Well, I was young and naive! It hurt, years later, to learn some of his flaws, see the shadowy nature of his "feet of clay." 

Yet many of his words (yes, co-written by Ted Sorenson) still inspire me:

So here's a relevant (and now "vintage") postcard image, showing how JFK's moon program continued, after his assassination:

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