Thursday, July 18, 2024

Compassion Fatigue? What If It Were a Leg Muscle?

It's been a very hard 8 days here in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, with losses and grief and discouragement, thanks to terrible flooding from a 6-inch rainstorm.

But it's also been 8 days of being amazed, touched, and proud of our communities, as people have pitched in to rebuild roads, deliver groceries, share water, and yes, provide funding for those whose homes were destroyed.

But Rachael Moragues and her sons didn't know until yesterday that their brookside house would be condemned as unlivable from the flooding, so she's not yet receiving the enormous support that's available. I'm hoping this is your moment to dip into a pocket again -- or for the first time this season -- and give what you'd appreciate receiving if you were in her shoes.

The way you care for a muscle that's overworked is to rub it some, hydrate, then stretch it. Let's stretch our hearts for Rachael. Donate here, and be part of this caring community.

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