Thursday, March 18, 2010

Author Get-Togethers via Skype

Like most authors, I spend hours and hours at my desk -- or doing research -- or taking a walk to get the writing muscles loosened up and thinking about getting back to the desk. So when it's time for an author event, it's great to be able to talk with others who care about books and the way that they change our lives.

Sometimes I can be there in person, in a classroom, library, discussion group. But sometimes I've got to stay close to the desk and can't drive or fly to another location. Thank goodness for SKYPE AN AUTHOR. It's a way to connect that I hope you'll consider if you don't live nearby. Take a look at the site:

1 comment:

Beth Kanell said...

Curious about SkypeAnAuthor? Check in with teacher-librarians at the TL Virtual Café on June 7 at 8 pm Eastern time to catch an interview with the site's energetic founders:

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