Monday, March 2, 2009

Abenaki in Vermont: A resource from the Vermont Historical Society

I was browsing the site of the Vermont Historical Society today, looking for resource material, and realized sadly that the "store" on the site isn't selling the updated history kit that the VHS offered in 1998 on Abenaki in Vermont -- but there are still copies available of the Teacher's Guide that went with the kit, titled: Abenaki in Vermont, A History for Students & their Teachers. It's a good outline for a classroom discussion, and costs only $4 plus postage. A bit more costly ($35), but more recent and more detailed, is the video Abenaki of Vermont: A Living Culture, with its emphasis on contemporary life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read with interest the articles in the Winter 2009 edition of _Multicultural Review_, including, of course, your own article. I am thinking of using them in a Children's Literature course this summer as an example of some of the sensitive issues involved in evaluating multicultural literature. I'd like to ask you some questions about your writing. Is there some way of doing that more directly than the blog? My own blog is at

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